Free Your Data, and UIs are Free

This video describes how the Massachusetts Department of Transportation began publishing real-time bus arrival data and within two months there were six compelling applications available that harnessed that data.

Joshua Robins of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation

This shows that if you make your data available, there are legions of developers willing to build applications on various platforms. Massachusetts could have spent months building a lame Web site and then making the data available. By making the data available first, they didn’t need any UI at all.

It’s easy to see how this can work with public data. I believe this same principle works inside the enterprise. If we build our line of business applications to publish their data in open formats, anyone can build the applications that display that data to users in whatever formats users need.

HT: Jack van Hoof

Why Software will Always be Hard, Part 2

My last post on Why Software will Always be Hard got me thinking about the implications for the software team that wants to create value (i.e., be worth more than they cost). If the bar is constantly being raised on what is considered commodity, then the software team creating value, must continue to get better in order to continue to deliver more next year than they did this year.


In the graph above, I’ve depicted the drive toward higher and higher expectations as the blue line. The green line represents the delivery level of the  high-performing team. The space between the two lines represents the value created by that team. In order to continue to deliver value, it must continue to innovate to deliver more for less.

While the commodity line drives steadily upward, the innovation line sometimes plateaus and may even drop prior to new increases. Innovation always brings risk and sometimes they will reduce your output before improving it. This is why even the high-performing team must continue to look for and expect improvements in its processed and technologies.

Why Software will Always be Hard

There is a funny thing about the software business… people expect that building great software should be getting easier. On the surface, that seems like a reasonable expectation. Software is a maturing field. The tools and technology are improving rapidly. The money to be made is attracting bright and capable people. So, why does making great software seem just as hard as it ever was?

There are two market forces working together to ensure that making software will be hard for a long time—at least as long as software will be worth building.

Market Forces

The first force in play is the fact that as soon as technology improves to allow us to build today’s software more efficiently and effectively, the market will raise the expectation of what it will pay for.

The second force in play is that the world is flat. This is especially true in the software business. Unlike automobiles and silly bands, software incurs no shipping costs; so the market of suppliers is truly global.


Those two market forces mean that as soon as a certain level of software functionality becomes easy to provide reliably (think on-time with no bugs), there is such a large supply of providers that no one will pay enough for that software to make a company profitable. Any software company (or department) that wishes to make a profit is going to have to provide something more: better integration to more complex systems; unseen functionality levels; innovative new platforms;  more immersive experiences, etc.

That pushing of the envelope means that software will be hard as long as there is any money to be made in it. My dad used to say to me “Eric, if it was easy, anyone could do it.” And if anyone could do it, it hardly ever pays well.

Teamwork Is an Individual Skill

I was intrigued by this interview with Christopher Avery about responsibility on agile teams at InfoQ. Intrigued enough to go download and read his book entitled Teamwork Is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility.

The premise of the book is that, contrary to conventional wisdom, not only is there an “I” in team, but teams are constituted by nothing more than a bunch of “I”s. If none of those individuals takes responsibility for the team’s success, then no one is taking responsibility.

Whether it be the development team at work, the elder council at my church, or even my family, it seems there is virtually no area of life where my personal success is not dependent on the success of a team. Learning to take more responsibility for the success of those teams seemed like a good idea.

I found that the book could have used a good editor to tighten up some of the writing, and the formatting (at least on the Kindle version) was confusing at times; however, there was enough food for thought in there to make it worth the read.

Here are a few highlights to give you some flavor of the book…

Avery coins the term TeamWisdom, which he defines as follows.

TeamWisdom refers to all the individual mental skills and behaviors that lead to highly responsible and productive relationships at work. The idea is based on my definition of “team”: A team is a group of individuals responding successfully to the opportunity presented by shared responsibility. Thus someone with TeamWisdom takes responsibility for ensuring that the group rises to the occasion, and in the process, makes sure his own work gets done and done well.

Avery makes an important distinction between accountability and responsibility

…accountability can be assigned, but responsibility can only be taken.

Accountability and responsibility are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are extremely complimentary. It is time for each of us in the workplace to take responsibility for relationships as well as accountability for deliverables, and to engage in the conversations that build productive relationships at work.

Avery makes the astute observation that if each team member acts in his own self-interest, then it is important to learn what motivates the other team members and assure that their interests are aligned with those of the team and with your interests. If your interests cannot be aligned, then you should withdraw from that team.

Once you understand your team members interests, it is in your interest to see that your teammates reach their goals.

The great philosopher/inventor, Buckminster Fuller, taught that the best way for one person to win is not by making others lose, but by making others win too. He taught from the 1940’s until his death that the more people a person helps to win, the more people that person can expect will help her win. Fuller’s teaching was in the forefront of a growing body of literature about the power and humanity of “servant leadership.” Being a servant leader means helping one’s followers become successful, instead of expecting followers to serve one’s personal success.

He then gives the following challenge in the Personal Challenge section that is included in with each TeamWisdom principle.

Do your partners and teammates provide you with access to their thoughts because they experience you as a person who helps them achieve their goals? Listen carefully to your associates to learn what is truly important to them. Check in with yourself to determine your level of commitment to them. If this level of commitment is low, ask yourself why. If it is high, ask yourself how you are willing to help. Then offer that help.

Avery talks about collaboration and includes valuable insights like this:

Most people find it much easier to grant a favor than to ask for one. However, people with TeamWisdom know that asking for a favor actually grants the other person a favor. Asking for a favor communicates to the other person that they are important to us, that we depend on them, and that we are even willing to owe them one. People with TeamWisdom understand that the person who asks for the first favor sets the tone for the collaboration.

Here is an example of Avery’s insight on the effect unmotivated team members:

Is the team leader the most powerful member of your team? Is the most inspired member the most powerful? The smartest member? Nope. None of the above. Like it or not, the most powerful member of your team is the one who cares the least about your team’s task. Sorry, but that’s the truth. The least-committed member of your team is the most powerful because his lack of commitment establishes a low baseline to which other
team members may fall. The success—or mediocrity—of your team likely will be determined by him.

Read the book. Take responsibility for the success of your teams, whether you are the leader or simply a contributor.

Shifting from Scrum to Kanban

My team had been following (more or less) the Scrum process for two years. The Scrum rhythm of biweekly planning, demo, and retrospective with daily stand-ups served us well most of the time. However, we have since shifted to a process that looks more like Kanban. 

The Transition

We had the most friction with the Scrum process after initial releases when our focus turned more toward support and training of our customers. The two-week planning cycle does not accommodate this kind of reactive, responsive work. The dissonance between our stated process and the reality of the work day felt like a process breakdown even though what we were doing was clearly the most important thing for out team. It tended to make everyone a little cranky. Since agile is all about inspect and adapt and choosing a path that gets results, it was time for some adapting.

Our Flavor of Kanban

Unlike Scrum, which has identified creators and a set of doctrines that define orthodoxy, Kanban is more loosely defined. Our idea of Kanban starts with Scrum and and makes a few modifications.

We no longer plan a sprint. We simply pull stories from the backlog as we need more work to do. The VersionOne storyboard gives us a visual of how many items are in each status, and we only pull in a new story if the inventory level are low across the board.

Instead of planning for an entire day before a sprint, we now plan stories whenever the backlog of planned stories is low (less than a few days worth). We still demo the product and hold retrospectives every two weeks.

Since we no longer have sprint boundaries, we needed to make some changes to the way we integrate stories so that we always have a potentially shippable product. We now do all story or defect development on an activity branch in the repository and only merge back to the trunk after it has been thoroughly tested. This creates a bit of new overhead, but we’ve found it worth the effort.


Now we are able to be responsive to new items that come in. The development team feels less jerked around when support issues come in and priorities change. We’d all like to get back to pure product development, but better to face reality as it is than to pretend it is something it is not.

Peopleware: An Aging Classic

Peopleware: Productive Projects and TeamsSome months ago I was telling a friend at work how everyone in the software industry should read Peopleware by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

I have always said that Peopleware should be required reading for anyone who manages software developers. I’ve also said that if you want to know my philosophy as a manager, just read Peopleware.

However, the first edition was written in 1987 and the second edition, which I had read, was written in 1999. I decided to read it again. I was curious to see how it holds up more than ten years later.

On second read, it is clear that Peopleware was written prior to the agile wave in software development. However, Peopleware was such a prescient work that in 2011 I still found it to be insightful and compelling. Much of what they call for has become more commonplace since 1999.

As DeMarko and Lister railed against public address systems in the office, I felt like I had taken a trip back in time. However, the principle that management too often optimizes the wrong factors in the workplace is as relevant as ever. I’ve seen too many situations where more care was put into color schemes and aesthetics than the mechanics of how the software team would work together (acoustics, workstation configuration, etc.).

The insights and anecdotes on management of software people made the second reading worth the investment. The chapters on building a high performing, jelled team were especially valuable.

Bottom line… I still believe that everyone in software should read Peopleware and that managers must read it.