
hackathonIt’s only two days before the Marathon Data Systems sponsored Jersey Shore Comeback-a-thon, a 24-hour hackathon with a theme of bringing business back to the Jersey Shore in the first season after hurricane Sandy.

Many businesses along the Shore have worked very hard and made great investments to rebuild, clean up, and claw their way back into business in time for the summer season. Unfortunately, the images of devastation of the storm have left many would-be visitors thinking there is no beach to vacation to this year.

The $1000 grand prize will be awarded to the individual or team that comes up with the best application, system, or other creative use of technology to help bring business back to the Shore.  There will also be two $300 runner up prizes.

We’ve had good coverage from,, and triCity News. Get more details here.

Hashtag: #combackathon

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